Whitelees Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 8DU

01706 378032

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary

We love God, We love learning, We love each other...


Design and Technology 

Long Term Plans for Design Technology

Key Stage 1

Lower Key Stage 2

Upper Key Stage 2

Year 3 designing and making Moving monsters.

Year 6 Designing and making cupcakes.

Designing and making set designs for the Magic Flute in collaboration with The Royal Opera House. Year 5

Designing and making bookmarks. Year 4. 

Year 2 Designing and making puppets.

Year 5 designing and testing how strong their bridges are by seeking how many spoons they can hold, with specific measurements.

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Year 6 designing and building dens

Year 5 making vegetable soup

Year 4 Designing and Making pizza faces inspired by Arcimboldo.

Year 3 creating their own Iron people.

Year 6 making Cams mechanisms with wood.

Year 4 tasting bases, designing and making pizzas, using Arcimboldo as inspiration.

Year 6 designing, building and evaluating dens in groups. 

Year 5 showing off their pencil cases they made.

Year 4 designing and making torches.

Year 6 making and tasting different flavours of cupcakes to see their preferences.

Year 6 making and tasting their own creations they designed for their cupcakes.

Year 3 making and tasting different tomato sauces they made with pasta.

Year 3 evaluating their new combinations of tomato sauce with garlic, chilli, basil or Parmesan cheese and pasta.

Year 3 making moving monsters with syringes and plastic tubing.

Year 6 sewing their designs for their Mother’s Day cards.

Year 6’s final sewing pieces with their designs.

Year 5 making their own vegetable soup with soup makers. They had a great time learning new skills of peeling and chopping.

Year 5 following, making and tasting Rachael Ray’s recipe of vegetable soup with pesto butter (chunky and blended).

Year 3 sewing a design pattern they have made for Mother’s Day.

Year 6 making their CAMS mechanisms.

Year 5 manipulating paper in different ways in order to make strong structures for bridges.

Year 5 making and testing their bridges!

Year 3 planning and making their Iron people! They had to be about 1m tall and stand up by themselves.

Year 4 designing and sewing pencil cases for Mother’s Day.

Year 4 testing pizza bases and learning new cookery skills..

Year 4 designed and made their own pizza faces inspired by Arcimboldo.

Year 4 helping Year 2 making their vehicles.

YEAR TWO: We designed, made and evaluated Kandinsky Mother's Day cards, SOME WITH MOVING PARTS!

As part of our Easter activities Reception made yummy chocolate nest cakes! We melted the chocolate & combined with cornflakes before spooning into our cases. We then decorated with mini eggs.

We are Designers! In Reception we have been working independently to create our own models using different materials, tools & joining techniques.

Year Two Autumn Real Life Designer Study: Richard Cadell.

Year One: Our finished product: Puppets

Year Two Our finished product: Puppets

Model making, Baking, Sewing.