Year 2
A very warm welcome into Year 2! I hope you and your child had a lovely summer break! Along with myself, Mrs Hollick, Miss Matthews, Mrs Howard-Cofield and Mr Wombwell will support the children, by way of small group and in-class support, as well as specific interventions where needed. Miss Moore will cover Year 2 every Thursday afternoon, while I take my PPA.
Our fourth topic of the year will be "Queens". Our mornings will be very busy with Phonics, English, Spellings, Maths and Guided Reading. You can find our Medium and Long Term Plans below.
Important Information
Class Teacher - Mr L Jenkins
Teaching Assistant (Monday - Wednesday) – Miss R Matthews
Teaching Assistant (Thursday - Friday) – Mrs L Hollick
Teaching Assistant - Mrs J Howard-Cofield
Teaching Assistant - Mr H Wombwell
and finally our class mascot, Buster Bear!
Phonics Screening Check
This autumn your child will complete their Phonics Screening check. This is a nationwide assessment that is aimed to inform teachers and parents how their children are progressing with their phonics and reading. The children are expected to read 40 real and nonsense words using their phonological knowledge and understanding. As we progress through the term I will send more information and materials for your child to practise at home. This check is usually conducted in the summer term of Year 1 but was postponed due to COVID-19. More information on the Phonics Screening Check can be found here.
Please like our Facebook page if you haven’t already, as I will post regular updates and pictures of what we have been doing in class.
Reading Books and Spellings
Please listen to your child read at home every night, even if it is just for 10 minutes before bed. We encourage you to practise your child's spellings with them as much as possible. Please find below the dates regarding Reading Books and Spelling Packs.
Reading Books - Returned to school on Monday. Sent home on Wednesday.
Spellings - Spelling practise sheets will be sent home on a Friday and need to be returned to school on the following Thursday, ready for the spelling test the next day.
If you have any questions and issues regarding reading books or spellings, please speak to a member of the Year 2 staff. Please encourage your child to read for pleasure at home as it will have a positive impact not only on their reading and comprehension skills but also on their writing.
As you are aware we no longer send written homework but children continue to have homework in the following forms:
- Reading Books- Returned to school on Monday. Sent home no later than Wednesday.
- Spellings – Weekly spellings sent home. As part of our recovery curriculum, children should also access Spelling Frame from home. Login credentials for this platform can be found at the back of your child’s reading record.
- Maths – As part of our recovery curriculum, children should also access Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars from home. Login credentials for these platforms can be found at the back of your child’s reading record.
- Additional Work – Should your child have completed any additional work that they would like to show to the class, please do not hesitate in sending a picture of their work to Children will be rewarded with praise and a sticker for going the extra mile!
- Espresso – St Mary’s has subscribed to the online learning platform “Espresso” which features lots of interactive learning resources and games. Children are highly encouraged to explore the topic and units of work that’s they have learning in class at home. Login credentials for Espresso can be found below.
Espresso Login
Login: student 18703
Password: stmarys
Links to all of the learning platforms mentioned above can be found in the Learning Zone on our school website.
PE Kits
Our PE focus this half term will be Tri Golf. The children will have PE on a Tuesday afternoon this half term. Please can you ensure that children have their full PE kit in school for their PE sessions. If your child wears earrings they will need to ensure that earrings are removed or covered please.
Water Bottles
It is important that children stay hydrated throughout the school day to help aid concentration. Please could you ensure that your child’s water bottle has a sports cap and has their name clearly labelled.
And finally…
I am so excited to be taking my wonderful class up to Year 2 with me! Year 2 is a very exciting year and I have many fun activities planned. If there are any problems or queries, please do not hesitate to come and see me or one of the team. You can arrange an appointment by emailing me on or by contacting the school office. Here at St Mary's we believe that communication between home and school is an essential factor for a wonderful learning experience.
We hope that you have fun listening to the children telling you all about the fun we have in Year 2!
Many Thanks
Mr Jenkins and Team
Year 2
September 2020: Our first picture together as a YEAR TWO class!!!
July 2021: Our last picture together as a YEAR TWO class. AWAITING PHOTO ...
Summer 2
Welcome back to school everyone!
Here is the plan for Summer Term: year2-MTP-Summer 2021.doc
Hope you had a fabulous half term break!
*This half term we are very lucky to have sports coaches for
our PE lessons on Friday: Athletics!!!
**Reading books are changed on Monday ONLY and sent home on Wednesday.
***Spellings are given out on Friday and will be tested the
following Friday.
You will be asked to do extra homework this half term via TT Rock Stars, Spelling Frame and Reading planet in addition to the usual weekly spellings. Occasionally other homework will be sent home.
This half Term's after school club is "Anna's Dance" and is on a Wednesday. Please pick up from the classroom door at 4pm.
Last week of Summer Term:
Hi everyone, I have set some activities via student announcements on seesaw. If anyone is feeling poorly then of course I do not expect any response. Hope you are all ok.
Mrs Wallace.
Hi everyone, hope everyone is ok at home. For everyone self isolating at home here are three booklets that you can choose activities from. They are all based around transition into year three! If you don't have a printer, just have a look at the activities and choose the ones that works best for you! You can also do your online learning on Spelling Frame, TT Rock Stars, Numbots, and of course Reading Planet. Everyone has their new set of books on there.
Click on a link one of these links for your activities: Maths English Transition Activities
Mrs Wallace
Hi Everyone!
In the morning please could everyone log onto Spelling frame and use the games on there for your phonics lesson. There are lots of extra things to do that I have added such as Elvis', Beltane's and Brian's special extra homework requests!
For maths please will you log onto TT rock stars and numbots. You can practise adding together different amounts of coins, measure things with a ruler that has cms, and write your own shopping list with prices. add up all your items and decide which coins you will need and how much change you will be given.
For English please will you write a list of instructions of your choice. Remember to include the features of instructions: a title, what you need list, make sure they are in the right order, numbers or bullet points, time connectives, imperative (bossy) verbs. Don't forget capital letters and full stops.
In the afternoon, I would like you to design a sports kit! I am going to upload a sheet here for you to download or use as a reference if you don't have a printer! Please upload your work to seesaw.
As we like to keep fit in year two, you could also do some running on the spot... how many star jumps can you do in a minute? etc. paste this link into your browser for more PE activities!
Upload everything onto your seesaw page and I will take a look.
Hopefully we won't need this but it's here just in case!!!
Mrs Wallace.
Summer 1 
Welcome back to school everyone!!!
Hope you had a fabulous Easter break.
*This half term we are very lucky to have sports coaches for
our PE lessons on Friday: football
**Reading books are changed on Monday ONLY and sent home on Wednesday.
***Spellings are given out on Friday and will be tested the
following Friday.
You will be asked to do extra homework this half term via TT Rock Stars, Spelling Frame and Reading planet in addition to the usual weekly spellings. Occasionally other homework will be sent home.
This half Term's after school club is "Active Kids" and is on a Friday. Please pick up from the front door entrance.
Year Two Summer 1 = smashed it!
Check out what we have been up to:
Florence Nightingale portraits, contractions, suffixes, tricky problem solving and writing, lots of multiplication & division, Andy Goldworthy sculpture, planting various seeds and watching them grow...we will be able to eat some too!
We have enjoyed the text: The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl and written some fabulous persuasive letters. We have written some awesome poetry too! When children read a lot and a range of books, it shows in their writing and everyone has moved a level up with their reading books. These are just some of the highlights... we have really earned our half term holiday!!!
Elvis and Beltane are managing Seesaw and emails for Mrs Wallace but apparently they are off to the beach so will not be available to answer any messages until Monday 7th June.
Well done everyone we are very proud of you.
Enjoy the photos, they include our celebrations of winning the prestigious title of ‘Class of The Week!’
Thanks for all the parental support with homework this last half term, it has made all the difference.
Hope you all have a fantastic half term holiday! From Mrs Wallace, Mrs Hoyle, and Miss Matthews.
MAY - Month of MARY.
May is a very special month in the Catholic calendar as it marks the month of Mary.
This is a time when we should take time to think about Mary and reflect on how she is the Mother of Jesus and Mother to us all. During this month we should take time out from our day to reflect and pray to Mary, especially when we are all living through such new and uncertain times.
Below I have included a range of prayers and different activities which relate to Mary our Mother. There are lots of different ideas for which you can do during this special month of May to support you with thinking about her and praying to her. Pope Francis has also asked for us to take special time this month to say The Rosary. It would be lovely for you to upload photographs or pictures of you completing your Mary activities or praying to the Rosary to the class seesaw. You could even draw a picture of Mary or the Rosary beads.
A List of Different Prayers to the Virgin Mary
Information, Resources and PPTS about The Month of Mary
Craft Ideas of how to honour Mary in the month of May
Hail Mary Prayer
Hail Holy Queen Prayer
Loving Mother of The Redeemer Prayer.
The Memorare
Below is a selection of some of our activities, hope you enjoy the photographs!
Spring 2
During Science week we got up to lots of interesting experiments at home and in school.
Making Slime!!!!
Early in Science Week we were given a cup. We took the ingredients and mixed them all up. "Quick take a look you will be just in time." Right there in the cup was a big pile of slime. The slime felt all squishy and gooey and smooth. We looked at it carefully... we were sure it just moved. Then out of our hands crept the slime in a rush, And landed on the floor like a big pile of mush. Quickly the slime oozed right across the floor. It slithered and stretched and escaped out the door. We tried to chase after it, but the slime was too fast. "Shall we try that again?" our teacher asked.
Spring 1
Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!
Scroll down to see our lovely Christmas photos and a slideshow!
Welcome back to your learning, whether it be at home or in school!
From Mrs Wallace and Mrs Hoyle.
To contact Mrs Wallace please email :
P.E. is now on Thursday afternoon for everyone!
It's easy to navigate our class page!
Scroll down to find all the websites that you need for your homework/online learning platforms, just click on the picture!
Remote/Home Learning
Every morning you will receive an announcement via seesaw with your daily message.
Please watch my daily "Good Morning" video on seesaw for extra information!
Please email me with any problems that your child has regarding the work set, technical issues, or even if you need assistance with motivating them!
I am here to help.
Autumn 2
Here are our Christmas photos and a slide show for you to enjoy!
This week we have been doing lots of R.E. work on learning how we are preparing for Christmas. We have learnt all about Advent, the Annunciation, The Visitation and things we do for our friends and family.
In Mathematics we have been learning different strategies for addition and subtraction by making ten.
We had a special visitor this week, he is called Edgar the Elf! Today we have been thinking about all the nosey questions that we want to ask him. We wrote them down, remembering our question marks. I do hope he decides to reply! He is a very special elf who is really old. He is in charge of all the other naughty elves in the world .. but he isn't naughty, he is wise and he is watching us to see fantastic behaviour and hard work!
Here are some of our highlights in pictures!
Congratulations to all the children in year two!!! Let me introduce to you... THE CLASS OF THE WEEK!!! WHOOOHOOOOO!!! It was really well deserved as we have been working really hard with our Great Fire of London diaries. For our big write we wrote on old paper and used a quill!
In Mathematics we have been adding and subtracting multiples of ten... it was really tricky at first but now some children have started to crack codes and solve problems, just like Samuel Pepys' diary codes!
There was no Anna's dance this week so we all went outside and learnt some games that were about the Plague before the fire cleaned the city of it.
Thank-you for the hard work that everyone is doing at home with the online homework. I'm enjoying seeing all your lovely messages on seesaw. It's always great news when children are enjoying their learning.
Today we met our new class mascot: Bob The Cat.
Here's this weeks highlights in pictures...
In Year Two we have been thinking about the statement to live by. In our liturgy we thought and talked about looking after ourselves and each other. Here are a few examples of team work in year two this week. Thank you to all the parents who trusted us with your precious baptism items.
We have been learning more about the fire of London, in particular all about Samuel Pepys. Our mathematics is improving in our addition and subtraction lessons. The paint came out today, we loved learning all about the primary colours and how to mix secondary colours.
Hope you enjoy our highlights of the week!
Everyone had a fun day supporting 'Children in Need' day. We made masks and bookmarks in the afternoon. Lots of children are bringing in books from home and ask to read to the class. I'm so pleased that children are reading for pleasure. Thank-you to the parents who have responded to my emails and are starting to use the reading planet, TT rockstars and numbots and spelling frame. School have also subscribed to phonics play too. There are lots of fun things to do on all these fabulous websites. I think that the children are so lucky to have access to these fabulous resources at home. Please continue to email me on the year 2 address if you need any help with these. All the work that you do at home with your children really shows at school!
I hope you enjoy the photos below showing some of the activities that have been happening in year two this week.
This week we have started new topics in a lot of subjects.
Mathematics: addition and subtraction.
English: firework poetry.
History: The great fire of London.
Science: Everyday uses of materials.
Music: London's burning melody.
R.E. Signs and symbols.
I hope you enjoy the pictures below.
HOMEWORK: spelling frame TT rockstars numbots Reading Planet Reading books PLEASE.
The children were super excited to see Anna again!
Autumn 1
Phew, what a busy half term this has been!
Here are some of this week's highlights in brief...
English: writing parts of stories for the end of our Traditional Tales topic.
We have been focusing on our presentation and handwriting skills, especially correct letter size and formation.
Mathematics: Number bonds to ten and twenty.
Science: Keeping clean.
D&T: finishing our puppets.
R.E. Writing about the creation story.
Hope you all have a fabulous half term and a lovely rest!
See you all in a week!
Mrs Wallace & Mrs Hoyle
Until then enjoy the pictures below.
Design and Technology: Our finished product!
Design and Technology: Our finished product!
Mathematics: Number Bonds to 20
Mathematics: Number Bonds to 10
Phonics and Spelling: Rehearsing our work; putting our words into sentences and making sure they make sense!
Design and Technology: Applying Finishing Techniques... following our designs.
We are very proud to announce that this week we have been awarded the 'POSH PLATE' award because we were the quietest, most well mannered class in the dining hall this week!!! I am so proud of my class to receive this. The children tried so hard, and just like the Oscars we prepared a speech just incase:
"We would like to thank our families for their support, our teachers for gentle reminders, and the lunchtime supervisors for serving our lunch and helping us to reach this golden goal of poshness. We love you all!"
Please enjoy the pictures I have posted below. The children have had so much fun. Here are just some of the things we have been up to this week:
Maths: counting in 2's, 5's & 10's and problem solving.
English: Writing in full sentences using more than one adjective and starting to use commas. Practising our comprehension skills, lots of phonics, spelling and of course reading our books.
Geography: weather reports.
Science: How exercise affects our bodies.
D&T: sewing our puppets.
Computing: using microsoft word to practise our word processing skills and trying to save our work in our own folders.
Music: using instruments to respond to a story.
Our focus is now
- spelling frame
- TT rockstars
- numbots
- Reading Planet
- Reading books
Big thank you to parents for encouraging your child with this.
needle thread threading sewing patience waiting focus helping each other new skills progressing proud
Design and Technology: Sewing Skills
font... space bar ... keyboard ... log on ... log off... saving work... taking turns ... shift key arrow ... achievement ...
Word Processing: Using Microsoft Word
information retrieval ... VIPERS .... finding proof ... common exception words ... weekly spelling quiz ... letters and sounds
Phonics Spelling Comprehension Skills
We have been so excited this week. As October is the month of the rosary, in R.E we have been learning about the four mysteries.
In English and phonics we have been learning the 'tch' spelling rule and ar, and alternative igh spellings. These are on your spelling lists at home this week and you can now practise your spellings online on SPELLING FRAME. If you log in, you will see that I have prepared lists for you to practise.
We used seesaw to record ourselves retelling the Gingerbread man story, it was very noisy but lots of fun!
We have been looking at the weather according to the season in Geography, and Maths has involved lots of counting in different ways using different equipment to calculate and solve place value problems.
Our Science has been all about healthy and not so healthy foods.
On purple mash this week:
bond bubbles
create a story
winter clothes
rainy day subordination
three bears
plus lots of phonics quizzes for you to try!
All the passwords you need are now on one sheet in your child's book bag.
Here is the online learning now available: Purple mash, spelling frame, TT rockstars. numbots (TT Rockstars & numbots are the same password). Reading Planet & Seesaw details are in the purple book that was sent home. Please keep this exercise book and the seesaw details in a very safe place, it is incase our class has to go into isolation or lockdown. Fingers crossed we won't need it but if we do we are prepared to continue your child's learning without any interruption.
The most exciting thing I think, (it got the biggest cheer), was when the children decided which animal puppet they were going to design. Everyone chose their felt colour and made lots of important decisions!
Keep bringing in the beautiful signs of Autumn! We have a fantastic class collection of conkers, leaves, and acorns.
nouns verbs adjectives past tense nouns verbs adjectives past tense nouns verbs adjectives past tense nouns verbs adjectives past tense nouns verbs adjectives past tense nouns verbs adjectives past tense
dodge run catch throw compete teamwork sportsmanship fun laugh smile listen Friday! dodge run catch throw compete teamwork sportsmanship fun laugh smile listen Friday! dodge run catch throw compete teamwork sportsmanship fun laugh smile listen Friday!
Physical Education
reflection respect prayer family love focus reflection respect prayer family love focus reflection respect prayer family love focus reflection respect prayer family love focus
Religious Education: Class liturgy
The weeks are flying by and this week we have been so busy in school. We have started our new English topic 'Traditional Tales'. The text we are focusing on is The Gingerbread man. Ask your child to see if they can entertain you with their fantastic intonation when re-telling the story. We have had a lot of fun with this.
This weeks Purple mash homework is:
design your avatar
washing hands
tch words
avoiding nice
number fact game
story writing
mixed bag spelling review quiz
It seems like a lot but you are doing so great at this purple mash homework, I'm very impressed!!!
Keep up the good work Year two!
signs of Autumn ... looking for evidence ... collecting ... explaining ... team work ... collaborating ... achieving signs of Autumn ... looking for evidence ... collecting ... explaining ... team work ... collaborating ... achieving ...
Design and Technology
...evaluating ... experimenting ... gluing ... fabrics ... stapling ... sewing ... sticky tape ... safety pins ... deciding ... ...evaluating ... experimenting ... gluing ... fabrics ... stapling ... sewing ... sticky tape ... safety pins ... deciding ...
Design and Technology
Well done to all the children who are looking at purple mash. I've really enjoyed looking at your work at home. I'm still getting used to it so don't worry if finding your way around the website is a bit tricky. If you have forgotten your purple mash password, they are glued into the front of your child's reading record.
Thank you to all the parents who have contacted me with your emails. If you still haven't had the chance to do it, it is:
Wow, what a very busy week we have had! This weeks homework on Purple Mash is all ready for my lovely class from today. 3, 2, 1..... GO!
This week you can choose from the following todo's:
Phonics/spelling : au aw igh
Maths: matching digits to words
Science: matching adults to their babies
Design & Technology: designing a vehicle
Good Luck everyone, I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Hello everyone! Please check purple mash for this week's homework todo's! If you have forgotten your password ask Mrs Wallace or Mrs Hoyle. There is always plenty to do, please choose from the following list.
Our class email is
ing endings
Nocturnal animal sentences.
Tens & ones
Common exception words Y1
Weather and seasons picture.
Enjoy and good luck!
Settling back into school
7th September 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome your child into Year 2, which is another important year on their learning journey through St. Mary’s. I am really looking forward to working with your children during the year ahead and we have many exciting learning experiences planned for them. Mrs Hoyle will be working on a daily basis in Year 2 supporting the children with all aspects of learning, alongside myself. On a Friday afternoon Miss Smith will work within the Year 2 ‘bubble’ as well.
Attached to this letter please find our topics and areas of learning in Maths and English for the Autumn term.
A few bits to remember for the year ahead in Year 2:
- Homework: We encourage the use of TT Rockstars and Numbots for practice of key maths recall skills. In a change to our homework provision and in light of COVID we will also be sending home some written Maths homework to help the children. Also, within our Student Zone on the website Espresso and Top Marks have a wide range of games and activities within their Key Stage 1 sections. Children may be directed to use specific activities on these as part of their homework.
- Reading books should be returned on a Monday in book bags and will now be sent home on a Wednesday. As far as possible the children will choose their own books appropriate for their reading ability. Please sign/comment that you have heard your child read the books or if they need to keep one of the books for another week.
- Spellings will also be sent on Wednesday and should be practiced and returned in their book bag on Monday. Your support in helping your child to learn the spellings that are sent home is greatly appreciated. In the Year 1 and 2 Curriculum there is such a massive range of spellings that the children need to secure and your support in helping your child can’t be overstated. Children will also have the opportunity to practice spellings on Spelling Frame which can be accessed through our Student Zone on our website.
- Please could you ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school on a Friday and they can wear a tracksuit over this. This means that PE kits/bags do not need to be brought into school.
- On a further practical note please put your child’s name on all main items of uniform, especially jumpers and items of PE clothing.
Water bottles
- We encourage the children to have a water bottle in school, please could you ensure that it has a sports cap and has their name clearly labelled. The children must take their bottles home at the end of the school day and to return them each morning filled for the day.
- In the event of a need for whole class isolation or lockdown, it’s important that we have the correct email address to provide you with work for your child. Please can you send an email to with your child’s name.
Both myself and Mrs Hoyle are really looking forward to getting to know your child and working in partnership with you. If you ever have any queries or concerns at any point in the year ahead please do not hesitate to contact school and I will arrange to speak to you on the phone (in line with the current school risk assessment). Or you may wish to email me directly on the class email. Please could we ask for your patience and help during the first few weeks at the beginning and end of the day as we have lots of new faces to learn!
Thank you in advance for your co-operation with all of the above points.
Mrs Wallace
Please click here for our Autumn medium term plan.
September 2019- July 2020
During the School Closure, we will provide ideas for work and things to do at home here. As always, please visit our Learning Zone for a variety of suggested activities and electronic resources.
English and Maths resources wb 13/7/20
This week we will be looking at the different sentence types and punctuation that we use in our writing. We will focus on all sentence types-questions, statement, exclamations and commands-and look at which punctuation to use for each. We will then use what we have learnt in our topic work in an afternoon in our writing about famous landmarks around the world.. Please continue to use Spelling Frame daily as well as just a game a day will make such a difference to your child's spelling.
In Maths we will be continuing our work on money. We will be looking at adding totals and subtracting money to give change. We will then move onto problem solving activities involving money. I will be revising the Year 2 objectives before moving on to the Year 3 ones. Please continue to use TT Rockstars daily as well as just 10 minutes a day makes such a huge difference.
We will also be doing some end of year memory activities using these resources. It would be great to talk through the months we had together and to think of your favourite memories because we had some great times!
Please see below for our topic work for the week. Keep sending any work over to our class emails as we love seeing and sharing your work with the bubble.
Keep safe :)
Landmarks in Asia and South America WB 13/7/20
In school the Year 2 and 3 bubble have loved finding out about landmarks all around the world and we hope that the children working at home have enjoyed this learning as well. In our final week we are going to learn about 2 famous landmarks in Asia, The Taj Mahal and The Great Wall of China. We are also going to learn about the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil.
Below you will find a number of the activities that we will be doing in school, along with some useful websites and video clips.
Please keep in touch with us using our class email. We love to hear from you and to see what you have been up to at home.
Mis Moore/Mrs Killoran and Mrs Cavanagh.
Christ the Redeemer create a jigsaw.docx
Christ the Redeemer Sentences.doc
sort statements for Mount Rushmore and The Great Wall.doc
Grid for sorting statements.docx
Write sentences about the Great Wall of China.doc
Useful websites and clips
The Great Wall of China
The Taj Mahal – How to draw the Taj Mahal
Christ the Redeemer
Aboriginal Art 8/7/20
After researching Ayers Rock yesterday in our bubble, we looked at the Anangu tribe that live on the land and provide workshops for tourists. One of them was creating a piece of aboriginal art so we decided to have a go ourselves. We chose our animal template (see below) and used ear buds to create the dot pattern. They have turned amazingly and we are very proud. If you would like to do one at home, remember to email a picture over to Miss Moore or Mrs Cavanagh as we would love to see them.
English and Maths resources wb 6/7/20
This week we will be looking at using question marks in our writing. We will focus on two sentence types-questions and commands-and look at which punctuation to use for each. We will then use what we have learnt in our topic work in an afternoon to ask questions about the famous landmarks of Oceania. Please continue to use Spelling Frame daily as well as just a game a day will make such a difference to your child's spelling.
Lesson Presentation.ppt
Activity Sheet Making the Difference with Questions and Commands.pdf
Activity Sheet Question or Command.pdf
Application Activity Black and White.pdf
In Maths we will be revising our work on money, looking at what the coins and notes are worth, comparing them, making totals and converting from pounds to pence. I will be revising the Year 2 objectives before moving on to the Year 3 ones. Please continue to use TT Rockstars daily as well as just 10 minutes a day makes such a huge difference.
Please see below for our topic work for the week. Keep sending any work over to our class emails as we love seeing and sharing your work with the bubble.
Keep safe :)
Landmarks in the continent of Oceania WB 6/7/20
This week in the Year 2/3 bubble in school we continue our journey looking at famous landmarks around the world. This week we are looking at two from the continent of Oceania. One being one of the most iconic buildings in the world and the other a world famous natural landmark. All of the activities that we will do in school linked to the landmarks are listed below. The first task will be writing questions that we want to find the answers to in our research. Then there is a power point and reading comprehension/reading activities and an opportunity to write factual sentences about what you have learnt. We are also going to do some artwork and see if we can draw the landmarks.
We really hope that you are enjoying this topic. Please remember to send us any work that you do at home to our class email. We love to hear from you and to see what you have been learning.
Miss Moore and Mrs Cavanagh
Year 2 email -
Specific activities
Write some questions about the landmark 2.doc
Write some questions about the landmark that you want to find the answers to.doc
Write factual sentences about Ayers Rock.doc
Powerpoint Sydney Opera House.ppt
Write factual sentences about Sydney Opera House.doc
Sydney Opera House Reading Comprehension.pdf
Useful websites for research How to draw Ayers Rock
Websites for research about the Sydney Opera House video presentation How to draw the Opera House
English and Maths Activities wb 29/6/20
English: This week we will be looking at proper nouns. We will be linking this to our topic work and remembering to use capital letters for place names. Here are the resources and activities we will be doing in our bubble:
Maths: We are moving on from place value activities and beginning to revise addition and subtraction. Here are the resources linked to the White Rose Hub based around 10/100 more and less, number bonds and finding patterns. The resources are both Year 2 and 3. We will focus on the Year 2 work however we will use the Year 3 work as extra challenges where needed.
Y2Activity Cards - Add and Subtract 10s.pdf
Y2Activity Cards - Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20.pdf
Y2Activity Cards - Bonds to 100.pdf
Y2Activity Cards - Number Bonds to 100.pdf
Y2Activity Cards - Ten More and Ten Less.pdf
Y3PowerPoint - Add and Subtract 100s.pptx
Y3PowerPoint - Spot the Pattern - Making it Explicit.pptx
Y3Vertical Format - Add and Subtract 100s.pdf
Y3Vertical Format - Add and Subtract Multiples of 100.pdf
Y3Vertical Format - Spot the Pattern - Making it Explicit.pdf
Thank you so much for all your hard work during lockdown-we are very proud of you! Please share any work that you do with us by sending a picture of your work to your class email and as always we will respond. We look forward to seeing your work!
Miss Moore and Mrs Cavanagh
North American Landmarks 29/6/20 for Year 2 and 3
This week we will continue our journey 'Around the World' in the Year 2 and 3 bubble. We are going to research and learn about some famous landmarks in the continent of North America and we invite you to join us.
Just as we did last week we have sheets below where you can create a poster or factfile about your chosen landmark on the computer and practise your I.T. skills. Or choose one of the lined sheets to write some factual sentences about the landmark that you have chosen. When you click on the document just enable editing to set the page before you print it.
We have included some websites for you to read and research the landmarks as well as some video clips on youtube. We have also put a sheet of facts about the Statue of Liberty and a comprehension task that goes with it. There is a photograph of the Statue of Liberty from which you could create your own jigsaw. You decide how many pieces and the shape of the pieces and then see if you can put it all back together. There are also links to youtube guides to help you draw some of the landmarks.
Have fun and enjoy learning about these famous landmarks. Please share any work that you do with us, if it is your art work or a factfile, by sending it to your class email and as always we will respond. We look forward to seeing your work!
Miss Moore and Mrs Cavanagh
Activities - just click on any document to open it.
Information about the Statue of Liberty.doc
comprehension about Statue of Liberty.doc
Make a jigsaw of the Statue of Liberty.doc
Statue of Liberty Make a factfile on the PC.doc
Write sentences about The Statue of Liberty.doc
Mount Rushmore factfile for the PC.doc
Write sentences Mount Rushmore.doc
Sentences Golden Gate Bridge.doc
Useful websites - click to open the links Statue of Liberty free school facts clip
read some facts about the Statue of Liberty. This has an audio at the bottom that will read the text as well. Read facts how to draw the Statue of Liberty Mount Rushmore free school facts clip
Read facts about Mount Rushmore How to draw Mount Rushmore Golden Gate Bridge free school facts clip Read facts about the Golden Gate Bridge How to draw the Golden Gate Bridge
In English we are also learning about proper nouns. See the power point and activity below.
European Landmarks WB 22/6/20 for Year 2 and 3
As part of our Around the World learning we are going to learn about some famous landmarks. We are starting with some European landmarks including Big Ben, The Eiffel Tower and The Colosseum. Below are some sheets that you can use to research each of these landmarks and then use the facts that you have learnt to create a poster about one or each of the landmarks. You can do this poster on a laptop (see the PC sheet) or you can write about the landmark using the sheet with the lines. If you use your PC or laptop can you change the colour of the font (lettering,) or the size of the writing or add some new images of the landmark? For your research record where you would see the landmark, how old the landmark is, why the landmark is famous, how many people visit it and any other interesting facts.
We will also be doing some art work where we will try to draw the landmarks. We have included some step by step drawing guides that may encourage/help you with this.
Thank you to those of you who have emailed your learning/work about the world so far. We would love to see more! Please do ask your parents to email us a photograph of your work or if you create a poster on the PC it can be emailed as an attachment to us. If you are only just about to start learning about the Continents (see Around the World June Project below) then please do send your work. We are interested in whatever learning you have been doing so please keep in touch.
Miss Moore and Mrs Cavanagh
Worksheets for research - just clink on the link to open the document
The Colosseum poster for PC.doc
The Eiffel tower poster for PC.doc
The Eiffel tower sentences.doc
Useful websites about landmarks for research and art work:
Websites/video clips to aid research. Click the blue link to open. youtube link to a video about the Colosseum youtube link how to draw the Colosseum step by step youtube link to a video about the Eiffel Tower youtube video how to draw the Eiffel Tower step by step youtube link to a video about Big Ben this is dated 2017 youtube link for how to draw Big Ben step by step youtube BBC video of London landmarks
Storm acrostic poem
Here is the worksheet for the storm acrostic poem. When completed please send me a picture using our class email :)
Father's Day Card
This Sunday is Father's Day. Please find a template below for you to make a card for your dad, grandad or a male that is special to you. If you click on the first link below you will see an example card. We have tried to find something that can be done at home by Year 2 and 3 children and by the children in the Year 2/3 'bubble' in school. Good Luck with it!
Miss Moore and Mrs Cavanagh.
Week beginning 15.6.20 Year 2 and 3 work
This week in our mixed year 2 and 3 bubble we will be working on how to use a range of conjunctions in sentences.
As well as conjunctions we will be working on the Year 2 and 3/4 common exception words in spellings-here they are to help you practise at home:
We we will then use them in our writing on our toucan fact file. We will use these websites for research and this sheet for the fact file:
We will also be working on our school's mission statement and what it means to us using this sheet:
We will be starting our 'All around the world' topic.' Please see the posts below and on the Year 2 page for the resources for these. We will be continuing to use the place value work from the booklet in the post below for last week.
Please keep emailing your work to myself and Year 2 to Miss Moore so we can share it with the bubble in school so it can be like we are all learning together.
Alongside this we ask that the children still access the online resources on BBC Bitesize, Spelling Frame and TT Rockstars. Remember just 10 minutes a day on TT Rockstars and Spelling Frame will make such a difference!
Keep safe,
Mrs Cavanagh and Miss Moore :)
Around Our World - June Project
Hello Year 2,
We have another really interesting project that we would like to share with you for this half-term. The year 2 and 3 children who will be in school will be starting this project this week and we want you to join in with us. Below are links to the powerpoints and activities that the children in school will do in their topic work this week.
My Continents Mini Book Week 1.pdf Create your own mini book
Espresso also has it's own section about the World called Passport in the KS1 Geography section.
Espresso Login student18703 password stmarys
If you have saved the password for Espresso follow the link below and it should take you to the main 'Passport' page. From here you can learn about the different continents and about some countries within each.
When you feel ready, there is a continents quiz below for you to try to label each continent.
We will continue to add to these resources as we move through the topic in school.
Don't forget any work that you are doing at home, please share with us by emailing and we will respond to you. If it's work around our new topic we will share it with your friends in school, then we are all learning together.
Also remember to keep up with the basics, Maths and English, BBC Bitesize is great for this. We have reset all of your TT Rockstars and had a look to see who has been practising! We can see that some of you really have been working on this, but it would be great if we all practised, even if it was just for 5 or 10 minutes each day. Remember to keep reading and to use Spelling Frame so that you keep those Year 1 and 2 spellings in your head.
Take care and we look forward to hearing from you,
Miss Moore and Mrs Killoran
Julia Donaldson Project
Hello Year 2,
We know how much you have enjoyed listening to and reading stories by Julia Donaldson, so we thought that you might enjoy some activities about her and her books.
Can you choose your favourite Julia Donaldson book? Draw a picture of your favourite part and then write about it. Can you choose your favourite character from the book and write some adjectives to describe the character? Who are your favourite Julia Donaldson characters?
What questions would you ask Julia Donaldson? For example, When did she write her first book? Who is her favourite author? When did she know that she wanted to write books?
Then you could write a letter to Julia telling her a bit about yourself, about which of her stories you love best and perhaps ask her some questions about herself.
If you want to send your letter to Julia use the following address:
Julia Donaldson C/O
Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency
71 Hillgate Place,
London, W8 7SS
Or there is an email contact
This website below has lots of information about Julia’s books.
If you can, print the worksheets below to help with your learning. If you are unable to print the sheets you can still do the tasks using blank paper. We would love to see any work that you do so please email to the class account.
Keep working hard Year 2 and keep safe and well. Miss Moore and Mrs Killoran
draw your favourite character from the story.doc
draw your favourite part of the story.doc
Julia Donaldson examples of books.doc
draw a new front cover for your favourite Julia Donaldson story.doc
write questions to ask Julia Donaldson.odt
Julia Donaldson Letter frame.doc
There are some really nice creative activities related to different Julia Donaldson books on the website below. Just scroll down the page to related activities.
Espresso Projects
Dear Year 2 Children and Parents,
We have two new Espresso projects that fit our Key Stage 1 Science Curriculum that we are sure that you will enjoy doing at home over the next few weeks.. One is about animals and one about plants that we eat. Please click on the page below and it will show you the outline of each topic. If you then click on load lesson it should take you to the Espresso page.
Below is another page that illustrates how these Espresso pages work.
We hope that you enjoy these new home learning topics and that you keep working hard on any of the other resources, such as Purple Mash, TT Rockstars, Numbots, Spelling Frame, as well as BBC Bitesize for Year 2.
Thank you to those parents who have used our class email page to send in photographs of their children's work. It's a lovely way to keep in touch as well.
The email is
Take care.
Miss Moore and Mrs Killoran.
Dear Year 2/Parents,
We hope that you are all keeping safe and well.
As it is Easter Week, if you get chance, why don't you take a look at the Easter Story on youtube. Click on the link below, or search The Easter Story Beginners Bible on youtube with your parents.
You might also want to write about the Easter story over this week, breaking it up into the main events of Palm Sunday, The Last Supper and Jesus' arrest, Good Friday and then Easter Sunday.
On the document below we have also found some craft ideas/cards that you might like to have a go at doing this week. Perhaps you could send one to your grandparents or an aunt or uncle that you are unable to visit at this time.
We miss being with you and teaching you very much, but we know that you will be doing your best to keep practising your TT Rockstars, using Spelling frame and by working on Purple Mash each day, or using Espresso. Also, why don't you just a write a sentence or two about what you have done each day, or what you are looking forward to doing.
Please take care, enjoy this special time with your lovely families and we wish you a Happy Easter for next week.
Best wishes to you all.
Miss Moore and Mrs Killoran
Dear Parents,
We would like to take this opportunity as we begin a new decade to wish you and your families a very happy and healthy 2020 and to thank you for your very kind messages, cards and gifts for Christmas.
This term we have many exciting things to look forward to. In Spring 1 in Geography we will be learning about maps, directions and the location of our school. Later in the term we will have a history driven topic as we learn all about the Titanic and its place in British History. Linking with this topic, in art and design technology we will be focusing on designing and making Titanic Models and sketching. We will be going to the Merseyside Maritime Museum in the second part of the spring term when the Titanic Exhibition has re-opened. A further letter will follow about the trip.
In Science we will be identifying and comparing a variety of everyday materials and finding out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
In RE lessons the children will be learning about the Bible especially the Old and New Testament, Books and Gospels in the Bible, religious vocabulary and symbols carried out during the mass.
We will also be learning about thanksgiving and the different parts of the mass, responses during mass, Eucharistic prayer for children and how Jesus is present in the Eucharist.
We will be moving onto Ash Wednesday, Lent and Lenten promises, the liturgy of Lent and Holy Week, the stations of the cross, Palm Sunday, Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, Good Friday and the resurrection of Jesus.
In PE we will have outside coaching in cricket skills which will cover many games skills and we are also delighted that Anna’s Dance will return this term. In music we will sing a variety of traditional songs from around the world and use untuned percussion instruments as an accompaniment, demonstrating pulse, rhythm and dynamics.
As part of our computing, the children will learn simple programming and as part of our PSHE how to keep safe and healthy in a range of situations, including being safe when using technology and the internet.
In English we will continue to work on spelling words from the common exception words for Year 1 and Year 2 along with the many suffixes and related spelling rules that the children learn in Year 2. We will continue to work on grammar and punctuation, including identifying and confidently using nouns, verbs and adjectives in sentences. We will also look at how to use a wider range of punctuation when writing. The children will read a number of stories about Emperor Penguins and they will also learn facts about these unique creatures and create a fact file about them. The children will also produce writing about The Titanic in the form of a newspaper report and a diary. As always the children will also be encouraged to write about their own experiences to further develop their skills. When reading, we will continue to work on fluency, expression and very importantly building comprehension skills, so that the children can answer questions about what they have read.
In Maths we will continue to work on developing skills and confidence in the four operations of number; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will be provided with opportunities to apply these skills and further develop their reasoning and understanding. We will also look at measures relating to capacity, time and money. We will be continuing to work on the quick recall of the 10, 2, 3 and 5 times tables and quick recall of all number facts. Your continued support with this would be welcomed. Please note TT Rockstars now has a new feature of games in NUMBOTS which has a number of games with the aim of developing quick recall in other aspects of number. Spelling Frame through the school website also offers opportunities for the children to practise Year 2 Spelling patterns.
Thank you in advance for your continued support with this homework.
Miss Moore and Mrs Killoran
Important Information
Our plans for Educational Visits/Educational Enhancement in Year 2
- Spring – The Titanic Museum in Liverpool - to bring to life our History topic of ‘The Titanic’.
- Summer 2 – A visit to the National Football Museum to coincide with the European Championships and to link to both our Local Area topic and our Summer Geography topic, ‘The Countries of the World’, which falls at the same time as the Football European Championships.
A few bits to remember for the year ahead:
- Homework: Homework is in the form of the basic skills of reading, practising spellings and practising maths facts using Rockstars TT
- Reading books should be returned on a Monday and will usually be sent home that day. The children will choose their own reading books and they will pick two books each Monday from a box that mirrors the level of books that they will read in class as part of guided reading. Please sign/comment that you have heard your child read the books over the week. Listening to your child read and asking them questions about their books is a great support to their learning
- Spellings will also be sent on a Monday and the children will practise these spelling patterns in class throughout that week. Your support in helping your child to learn the spellings that are sent home is greatly appreciated. Within the curriculum for Year 1 and 2 the range of spellings that the children need to secure is vast and your support in helping your child can’t be overstated. Spellings may consist of different spelling patterns/rules alongside key words from the common exception words for Year 1 and 2
- Rockstar TT – children will be allocated specific tables to practise. The program works on tablets, computers/laptops and mobiles via the website
- Please could you ensure that your child has a PE kit in school for the week so that they do not miss any opportunities for PE. At times we have to be flexible due to the British weather/hall use. Our routine PE days are Monday (outdoor this half-term) and Anna’s Dance on a Wednesday (indoor kit)
- On a further practical note please put your child’s name on all main items of uniform, especially jumpers and items of PE clothing
Water bottles
- We encourage the children to have a water bottle in school, please could you ensure that it has a sports cap and has their name clearly labelled. It is important that children take their bottles home at the end of the school day and return them each morning filled for the day.