Whitelees Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 8DU

01706 378032

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary

We love God, We love learning, We love each other...

Year 6 2022-23

Lewis Capaldi - Someone You Loved (Instrumental)

1. Welcome To Our Jungle

2. It's All Happenin' in the Dunny

3. Lumpy Custard

4. Little'uns

6. Cringe

7. A Letter from Home

8. Get Me Out of Here

Maths Reasoning & Problem-Solving

Corbett Maths

Curriculum (Autumn 1)

English: SPaG focus and Robinwood leaflet

Maths: Arithmetic focus

R.E.: The Domestic Church and Baptism

Science: Living Things and their Habitats

RSHE: Relationships and conflict

P.E.: Team building

Geography: The UK

Computing: Quizzing, E-safety and Blogging

Spanish: Numbers 0-100, Greetings, Days of the week, Months of the year

Welcome back!


Miss Gorasia - Teacher

Mrs Smith - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Whittaker - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Killoran- PPA cover on Tuesday afternoons


Important information:

  • Homework
    • Reading books: Reading books will be changed as and when they are brought into school.  Children should be aiming to change their book every week.

    • Spellings: Our spelling test will be on a Thursday please make sure spelling sheets are brought in every Thursday.

    • Times Tables: The children will be given TTRS sheets to complete as part of their homework and need to be handed in every Thursday.

  • PE
    • Our PE day is Monday. Therefore, the children will need to ensure they have their P.E. kit in on that day.

Class email: year6@smrc-lit.co.uk

Miss G