Whitelees Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 8DU

01706 378032

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary

We love God, We love learning, We love each other...

Year 5 2022-23


Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and your child have had a great half term. This term is going to be a busy one! In class we will also continue to prepare for test conditions to ensure that we use the most effective strategies possible.

In English we will continue to focus on ‘Quality not Quantity’ and continuing the next element of Proof reading and editing in order to improve our work to meet age expectation.

This term our focus book will be ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty.

Our foundation subject focus for this half term in Geography will be ‘Volcanoes and Earthquakes’ and in History will be ‘Vikings’

In Science we will be learning about ‘Forces’.
Water bottles and snacks – please ensure that your child has a labelled water bottle in school. This needs to be taken home each day and refilled. Children can bring in a piece of fruit/veg to eat at break time.

PE will be on Thursday PM
We have now finished with Soccer Stars until Summer so PE this term will now be moved to Thursday PM. Our topic is basketball. Now we are in Spring, PE lessons will be taking place outside so children need to have their outdoor kit for every lesson.

Reading books – reading books will be sent home on Fridays. Please ensure book bags are back in school on Thursdays. Please can parents fill in the reading records and ensure they are brought in every week. It is important that children on Free Reading also bring in their reading record to show evidence of amount of homework reading each week.

Spellings - will be sent home on a Friday and children will be tested on Thursday AM. Children must practise spellings and then research unfamiliar words when writing quality sentences.

Homework – it is really important that the children read every night and practise their spellings and times tables at home. Your support with these activities is very much appreciated.
The children will bring maths sheets home too on a Friday which need to be completed and returned to school on the following Thursday.
Easter Play
Finally, as you well know your child has come home to let you know about the Easter Play. The Easter Play is a Year 5 production therefore is going to be another focus this term. Any help and support will be very much appreciated. Children who want an acting role have been taking part in auditions which will end this week and then roles will be given asap. A few children have also got some solo auditions coming up (Thurs/Fri) which will take place in front of the class. Everyone in year 5 will then vote for their preferred audition.

If you have any queries then please email us at: year5@smrc-lit.co.uk or ring school and leave a message.
Kind regards
Mr Collins (Teacher)
Miss Hughes, Mrs Breslin (Teaching Assistants)
Mrs Killoran- PPA cover on Wednesday afternoons

Welcome to Year 5.


I would like to welcome you and your child back to school and the beginning of a new year. We hope to have a year full of new learning opportunities as well as celebrations and fun. We have many things planned for this year.


Let’s make it a year to remember!!


Here in upper KS2 we like to encourage more independence, problem solving and responsibility. Throughout the year each child will be given just that to help prepare for the future. In Year 5 we have many responsibilities including Leader duties and GIFT team leaders therefore there will be high expectations aimed for each individual this year.



In English we like to focus on ‘Quality not Quantity’ so our writing is going to be based on ensuring we understand what a quality piece of writing looks like and how we edit our work to achieve our best.

We will be focusing on our class books in lessons and will be writing a variety of genres to show quality and understanding.


This term our focus books will be ‘Tuesday’ and then ‘A Christmas Carol’.


Our foundation subject focus for this half term in Geography will be ‘Mountains’ and in History will be ‘Vikings’


In Science we will be learning about ‘Earth and Space.

Water bottles and snacks – please ensure that your child has a labelled water bottle in school. This needs to be taken home each day and refilled. Children can bring in a piece of fruit/veg to eat at break time.


PE will be on Thursdays AM

Anna's Dance - We will have Anna's dance up until Christmas on Thursday morning.

Children to either leave PE kit in school or come to school in their kit so they are ready for the lesson.


Reading books – reading books will be sent home on Fridays. Please ensure book bags are back in school on Thursdays. Please can parents fill in the reading records and ensure they are brought in every week.


Spellings -  will be sent home on a Friday and children will be tested on the Thursday AM.


Homework – it is really important that the children read every night and practise their spellings and times tables at home. Your support with these activities is very much appreciated. The children will bring maths sheets home on a Friday which need to be completed and returned to school on the following Thursday.

Medium term plan shown below.

If you have any queries then please email us at: year5@smrc-lit.co.uk or ring school and leave a message.

Kind regards

Mr Collins (Teacher)

Miss Hughes, Miss Tracey and Mrs Rennie (Teaching Assistants)

Mrs Killoran- PPA cover on Tuesday afternoons