Whitelees Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 8DU

01706 378032

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary

We love God, We love learning, We love each other...

Whole Child


At St Mary's we passionately believe in educating the whole child 



Visit to M6 theatre to make bird puppets in collaboration with The Royal Opera House.

Thrilled to bits getting one 1st and two 3rds for the draw an animal competition - part of the Todmorden game and country fair. We also entered our mural which shows how you can be environmentally friendly.

.Handling the chicks - great for well being.

Ecstatic we won second place for this anti-racism competition held by Equality and Diversity UK - £100 to spend on books that show diversity - well done to our winners! We are super proud!

All the other entries can be seen at:


Well done everyone, Mrs Killoran

Littleborough Scarecrow Festival

Year 4 Linking Project Day 28.6.21:

Year 4 Holy Communion and Party Day:


Year Two's performance of Palm Sunday

Year 2 made some beautiful cards for the residents of the retirement home.

National Day of Reflection ❤️

Today Reception marked the National Day of Reflection by saying special prayers & placing messages of remembrance on our prayer tree. We also thanked our NHS Workers for all they have done & continue to do

Reception Red Nose Day 2021

Thank you for all your generous donations towards Comic Relief. We looked at some of the fantastic work that charities do to help others & how our donations support others.  Reception have celebrated by designing red noses & enjoying some funny jokes!


Lent food bank donations & Easter gifts

Thank you for your generosity & all your wonderful donations for our local food  banks & care homes.

Some examples of Year 4's work for Chinese New Year:

Year 4 got back to nature during some Wellbeing Time and made nature faces linking to our digital art topic:

Our EYFS Nativity... The Honky, Tonky, Donkey

Year Two: We waved and cheered at the firemen running for charity.

Year Two love extra-curricular activities!!!

Some examples of Year 4 Festive Friday crafts:



This week in Nursery we have been learning all about Diwali & how this special festival is celebrated. We decorated our own diva lamps, designed mehndi hand patterns, painted Rangoli patterns & listened to Dipal's story of how he celebrates Diwali with his family.

Water fight and ice cream treat in the hot weather!

Enjoying Helen O’Grady drama workshops.

Children in Need 2020

The children celebrated Children in Need throughout school today.

We raised a fantastic £285 from the sale of wristbands, pin badges and generous donations. Thank you as always for your generosity and support towards this amazing charity!

Remembrance Day 2020

Today in EYFS we remembered all those that have made sacrifices for us and those that continue to do so in our communities today. We created some fantastic poppy art work, gathered for a Remembrance Day Liturgy & held a 2 minutes silence. 

St Mary's children's poppy display November 2020 in local business window in Littleborough

St Mary's Poppy Pebbles at Cenotaph in Littleborough for Remembrance Day 2020

World Mental Health Day

Today we supported the Hello Yellow Young Minds campaign as part of World Mental Health Day. We raised £140 across school for this important charity. Thank you for your kind donations. 

Year 3 trip to see Dippy the Dinosaur in Rochdale

Snow Day

Yorvik Trip

Year 1 Valentine Assembly

Year 1 Writing Interventions
